Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Half-baked Writer

Hi, I'm Jinbei, an amateur writer, amateur blogger and an amateur historian. I was born in Elisabeth Hospital, Purwokerto, Banyumas, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Asia, Earth. Jinbei is delievered from Chen Ping (陈平), my Chinesse name, means "Peace". Jinbei is somekind of adaption name from Chinese to Japan. Actualy it was Chinpei, but I fancied Jinbei. I was born in 1986. A tiger in Chinese zodiac and libra in western zodiac. If you like Carl G Jung, my result mostly INTP. Therefore, I love sources, sceptical, deep thinker, intuitive, affiliate to dark-side. I'm critical, intuitive, love good romance, and love philosophy. I'm chinese and I love my ancestors's heritage & history. I'm katholik, but I admire Buddhist and love Hindu culture, I'm interested in moslem's philosophy, ideologies, and writings. and Confucius sayings save my teenage life. I can be open minded as long as somebody didn't acting like I should accept what they believe in.

 The Terms of "Half-baked writer" comes from Legend of Korra, Tarrlok's cold insult to Korra, the avatar about her being a half-baked avatar. I'm a great fan of Avatar because it's such a great show and it's one of many great stuffs exist in this world that influence my writings.

 Saya tidak akan menilaimu berdasarkan caramu bertingkah, caramu bicara, apakah kau cerdas atau bodoh, apakah kau sopan atau kurang ajar. Saya akan menilaimu berdasarkan tujuanmu, dasar pemikiranmu, dan maksud2 terdasarmu. Karena sopan, bertingkah laku baik, cerdas dan punya banyak gelar, tidak menjaminmu menjadi orang baik. Dan sudah banyak sekali orang baik yang terabaikan hanya karena mereka tidak tahu cara berbicara dan menyampaikan pendapat.