Minggu, 26 September 2010

Frozen Shoulder, What's That?

Frozen shoulder, known in medical circles as "frozen shoulder" or adhesive capsulitis is a condition where there is stiffness and pain in your shoulder joint.

Usually the signs and symptoms appear slowly deteriorate over time and then disappear, usually in a period of 2 years. Increased risk of developing frozen shoulder if you later use the retaining shoulder-hand triangle for a few weeks, or you just had surgery where your hands are not moving in a certain position for long periods of time.  This step that can be learned into frozen shoulder exercises

Frozen shoulder treatment  include stretching exercises (stretching) and sometimes it may take an injection-drug painkillers and anti-inflammatory into the bag's shoulder joints. In fact, in some cases, surgery may be necessary to loosen the bag for the shoulder joint can move freely.